
劉正山教授為美國堪薩斯大學政治學博士(2006),目前任教於國立中山大學政治學研究所。劉正山主要教學研究領域為比較政治、選舉行為、政治傳播、民意形成與研究方法等。他目前關注的領域為國家認同理論的建構、審議式民主的反省、民意調查中概念的測量,以及代理人基模擬途徑在政治學的應用。目前的研究成果發表在《選舉研究》、《政治科學論叢》、《中國行政評論》、Journal of East Asian Studies、Advances in Complex System、 Issues & Studies、 International Political Science Review,以及Asian Survey等期刊。

Dr. Frank Cheng-shan Liu is professor teaching in the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (ROC). Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Kansas in 2006, majoring in the fields of American politics and public policy. His teaching and research interests include Taiwan politics, research methods, public opinion and political behavior, and political communication. His works appear in Journal of East Asian Studies, Advances in Complex Systems, and International Political Science Review, and Asian Survey. His recent projects focus on the preferences of independent voters and the theorization of politial identity. Dr. Liu can be reached by email frankcsliu_at_gmail_doc_com.

  • His publication can be found HERE